网页屏蔽js错误信息方法 解决ie状态栏显示黄叹号问题


<script language=”javascript”>  
    window.onerror = function(){  
        return true;  



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网页屏蔽js错误信息方法 解决ie状态栏显示黄叹号问题》有19条回应

  1. Atharv说:

    Ab fab my golody man.

  2. Giulio说:

    Now we know who the selsbine one is here. Great post!

  3. Luibov说:

    I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for ptsoing this!

  4. Zak说:

    Damn, I wish I could think of soemthnig smart like that!

  5. Amit说:

    Geez, that’s ubnlieevalbe. Kudos and such.

  6. Jackie说:

    That’s a knowing answer to a difficult qseution

  7. Jeffrey说:

    That’s a smart answer to a tricky qsuetion

  8. Nasar说:

    Thanks for spending time on the computer (wirtnig) so others don’t have to.

  9. Kayra说:

    You saved me a lot of haslse just now.

  10. Bryan说:

    I’m impressed you sohlud think of something like that

  11. Real说:

    Insgihts like this liven things up around here.

  12. Hayle说:

    One or two to reemmebr, that is.

  13. Roberto说:

    Thnkinig like that is really amazing

  14. Lucia说:

    A simple and inetlligent point, well made. Thanks!

  15. Victor说:

    Ab fab my godoly man.

  16. Bhudy说:

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  17. Junjaram说:

    Your story was really infromtaive, thanks!

  18. Sandy说:

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  19. Jenny说:

    Walking in the presence of gintas here. Cool thinking all around!
